আমাদের কল করুন: +8801989 994552  হটলাইন 10661

বায়োমেড ডায়াগনস্টিকসে স্বাগতম

The Gateway to Advanced Comprehensive Healthcare


BioMed Diagnostics General & Molecular Laboratory has been setup with modern equipment and working with state of art technologies. Advancements on biotechnologies are applied in diagnostic tests which are at the forefront of medical innovation and advanced treatment.


These molecular testing supplies vital insights with confirmation of diseases process going on in patient body and help clinical doctor to offer correct treatment. Doctors in different branches of medicine now have the access to select the right molecular diagnostic tests to detect cause of most diseases, particularly molecular profiling of cancer.

BioMed Diagnostics. General and Molecular Laboratory have been founded with the vision to offer comprehensive healthcare for all patients in alleviating their suffering and ensure "Happy Healthy Life". BioMed Diagnostics offers advanced Testing services including well equipped General Laboratory and Molecular PCR Laboratory, Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, Histopathology Laboratory, Ultrasonogram, Echocardiogram, Digital Radiology and OPG Imaging facility.

আমাদের আপডেট পেতে


নাভানা নিউবেরি প্লেস (৮ম তলা), ৪,১/এ, সোবহানবাগ, মিরপুর রোড, ঢাকা ১২০৭


+৮৮০২৫৮১৫২৯২৯, +৮৮০১৯৮৯৯৯৪৫৫২, হটলাইন: ১০৬৬১

অনুসরণ করুন

© ২০২৪ বায়োমেড। সকল সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত।