আমাদের কল করুন: +8801989 994552  হটলাইন 10661

ক্যান্সার স্ক্রীনিং প্রোগ্রাম

Breast Cancer Awareness

A Breast Self Examination (BSE) once every 15 days could save your life! Use the following techniques to perform a BSE. Choose the method that is best for you.

Screening :

Means detection of breast cancer before it spread. All women should go for annual physical examination when they hit 30. Regular self-examination of your own breasts may help in early detection.

Age : 30 & below

Monthly Breast Self-Examination

Age : 35 to 45

15 days Breast Self-Examination Annual Screening Program USG of Breast 4D or Mamography

50 & above

15 days Breast Self-Examination Annual Screening Program USG of Breast 4D or Mamography

Breast Cancer Prevention and Early Detection

Facing a mirror :

At each of the following positions:
• Arms at your sides
• Arms raised above or behind your head
• Hands on hips and chest muscles tensed

Facing a mirror :

• Change in size or shape of the breast
• Dimpling of the skin
• Change in appearance of nipples
• Discharge from nipples (by squeezing gently)

Facing a mirror :

Place pillow under left shoulder with left hand under head
• Use middle three fingers of right hand, hold fingers flat to check left breast
• Press firmly, using small circular movements to feel for lumps
• Start outside edge of breast, going inwards in circles
• Check entire breast, armpit and behind of nipple • Repeat these steps using left hand to check right breast

In the shower :

• Raise right arm above head
• Soap left hand and check right breast as described in “lying down position”
• Repeat the steps using the right hand to check left breast

Special Discount On All Test Prices

Breast Cancer Screaning

Actual Price: Tk.12100/=

Discount up to 10% - 30% (Special cases)

Cervical Cancer Screening

Actual Price: Tk.18400/=

Discount up to 10% - 30% (Special cases)

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নাভানা নিউবেরি প্লেস (৮ম তলা), ৪,১/এ, সোবহানবাগ, মিরপুর রোড, ঢাকা ১২০৭


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