আমাদের কল করুন: +8801989 994552  হটলাইন 10661

Enroute for Precision Oncology based on Personalized Medicine
মলিকুলার বায়োটেকনোলজি
সেল থেরাপি এবং রিজেনারেটিভ মেডিসিন

আমরা কি করি

সাধারণ ল্যাবরেটরি পরিষেবা

All tests are done using SOPs by skilled technicians under the supervision of a Senior Laboratory Consultant and super specialized specific consultants. It includes Clinical Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Hematology, Serology, Immunology and Microbiology Laboratory.


It includes a humidity temperature-controlled HVAC System Laboratories with separate DNA and RNA, extraction room, Master mix room, Amplification and Analyzing room well equipment with B class Biosafety Cabinets.

All rooms are equipped with sophisticated PCR machines, Analyses computerized.


All tests to diagnose Infectious diseases are routinely done by skilled and specialized laboratory technicians and scientists.

In the case of Infectious tests, Covid 19 PCR, HCV DNA, RNA, HIV, and HPV. Genotyping are done according to need of the patients as advice by the clinicians.

হিস্টোপ্যাথলজি সেবা

Routine H& E Biopsies, USD guided Tru-cut biopsies, Immunohistochemistry (IMS), Immunofluorescence (IMF) are done according to standard operating protocol SOPs by skilled personnels under the direct supervision of specialized histopathologist.

ইমেজিং সেবা

It has a 1000 MA digital X-ray machine with digital reporting services. All types of plain X-ray, contrast X-ray are performed by skilled radiology technicians. All images are evaluated by well experts Radiologist.


Dental Orthopantomogram (OPG) are used to detect any pathological problems in oral cavity, helpful for Dental Consultant. and Maxillofacial Surgeon

ইউএসজি, ইসিজি এবং ইকো

Ultrasonograms are done by an experienced qualified sonologist. Echo-Color Doppler are applied to look for vascular insufficiency in particular organ done by vascular surgeon. Echocardiogram are conducted by Cardiologist.

আমাদের আপডেট পেতে


নাভানা নিউবেরি প্লেস (৮ম তলা), ৪,১/এ, সোবহানবাগ, মিরপুর রোড, ঢাকা ১২০৭


+৮৮০২৫৮১৫২৯২৯, +৮৮০১৯৮৯৯৯৪৫৫২, হটলাইন: ১০৬৬১

অনুসরণ করুন

© ২০২৪ বায়োমেড। সকল সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত।